b2b lead generation company

A Quick Guide to Choosing the Best B2B Lead Generation Agency in India

Have you ever had a poor experience using a B2B lead generation agency in India? If yes, then you’re not alone. It seems like about every business had a bad experience with their outsourcing firm at least once or has heard about some outsourcing horror stories.

We’re not saying that all lead generation companies are incompetent or you should not outsource your lead generation. The goal of this post is not to deter you from outsourcing your lead generation. Instead, it aims to educate you to pick a company that will offer a positive experience.

Have they accomplished good results for your industry in the past?

Results are evidence. An efficient B2B lead generation agency in India remains effective. However, it is not realistic to expect a lead generation company to provide the same results for each industry.

That’s because producing leads for the automobile industry needs a different approach than creating leads for the healthcare industry. The more familiar the company is with your industry, the more efficient it will be.

Ask them about your industry instead of the number of leads they make for businesses. Have they already worked with people from your industry or similar industries in the past? If yes, ask the number of leads they have made for them.

Do they have a great reputation?

That might look obvious, but many businesses check the companies’ reputation before outsourcing their lead generation to them. However, what they do not is to look out for the real reputation. Many businesses check reviews or testimonials, but these do not always give the real picture.

Remember that testimonials can be cherry-picked, and reviews can be incentivized easily. Thus, they might be a real indicator of the company’s reputation. Instead, try reaching out to their clients. That will allow you to know what their clients think about them and whether those testimonials or reviews are influenced or real.

Are they clear in their approach?

A B2B lead generation agency in India often is not transparent in their process, saying they’ll deliver qualified leads and not only contacts to your business. However, they do not present you with how they’re doing it.

Choosing companies that follow that approach will be a major mistake. That way, you will not be able to determine whether they are delivering what they have promised. In other situations, they may pass you the list of unqualified contacts.

Loo out for companies that provide zero transparency and do not present you their methods. Ask these questions to help you:

  • Where do you get contact data for the campaigns?
  • Do your reps use emails? If yes, can you share the thread of conversation with me?
  • How do you qualify leads?

You can immediately know whether the B2B lead generation agency in India is worth trusting, or you must look elsewhere for lead generation support.

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Gunjan (Founder & CEO)

Domain Experience 100%
Creativity 73%
Campaign Management 70%
Writing 97%
Coffee Making 90%
Integrity 90%

Marketing enthusiast & a passionate perfectionist, is how people define Gunjan. He truly believes that good enough is not really enough.

His experience spans over 20 meticulous years in the lead generation world thereby gaining deep understanding of the job. Having covered roles in all possible capacities in his journey, he’s come a long way from starting as a caller to eventually managing the entire business today. Has campaigned for 150+ clients globally and hence is well rooted to the job. A true professional whose passion for MoT- Management of Things (#Self Coined) motivated him to the very top of the game.

Holds an MBA from Symbiosis University where he also was awarded the winner of Annual Business Competition- 2 years in a row. Calls himself a workaholic, rather leadaholic J. If not in office, you will find him either at the gym or riding a horse!