B2B Account-Based Marketing

Enhancing Customer Retention with B2B Account-Based Marketing

Are you generating leads, nurturing them, converting them into sales but struggling to retain your customers? Customers once lost would be hard to locate and revive. However, thanks to the many strategies that can help you improve your customer retention rates. One of them is B2B account-based marketing. A proven

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Demand Generation Plans

How to Restructure Your 2024 Demand Generation Plans and Why?

Amidst the competitive business landscape, you cannot stick to the same old strategies and expect them to deliver results. Instead, you must restructure your plans, ensuring they are fine-tuned to your business’s current needs and the market situation. Demand generation isn’t an exception to it. Lately, if you’ve been struggling

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b2b lead generation company in india

Strategic Guide to Boosting B2B Conversions

Often, businesses generate leads but they just cannot convert them. The reasons could be many. Such businesses are like a shop where thousands throng but most of them step out buying nothing! If you’ve been facing such a situation, your campaign efforts and investments are going down the drain. So,

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Guide to B2B Lead Qualification

A Guide to B2B Lead Qualification

Often, businesses run campaigns and generate leads. However, they fail to identify prospects with a higher conversion potential. As a result, they lose several opportunities that remain unrealized for a long time. Thus, by the time they approach the lead, it would have lost interest or gone to someone else! 

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Demand Generation

10 Proven Demand Generation Campaigns to Drive Growth

Have you recently introduced a new offering or want to launch one soon? No matter how great, your offering may only meet with a lukewarm response if you do not create the need for it and explain to people why they require it.  Think of insurance firms. Would people buy

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lead generation appointment setting services

Leverages of Appointment Setting Services in Your Business

Are you generating leads but aren’t able to convince them for an appointment wherein you could give them every detail about your offerings? Then, you need dedicated B2B appointment setting services. Professional B2B appointment setting involves comprehensive support to bring qualified leads to your doorstep, after which you can nurture

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B2B Decision Making Process

The Hidden Barrier to Effective B2B Decision-Making

As a decision-maker, have you ever faced barriers or roadblocks impeding your decision-making process? We’re sure, you must have. That’s because decision-making is a complex process that involves considering multiple factors, some of which contribute to the process, while some hinder it.  Of course, it is an art to not

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Market Your B2B Podcast

How to Market Your B2B Podcast?

Are you running a podcast that does innovative content but struggling with business lead generation? Then, don’t feel alone as DemandFluence, one of the best lead demand generation companies in India is here to help you! Amidst the highly competitive digital environment, we understand how challenging it can be to

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Gunjan (Founder & CEO)

Domain Experience 100%
Creativity 73%
Campaign Management 70%
Writing 97%
Coffee Making 90%
Integrity 90%

Marketing enthusiast & a passionate perfectionist, is how people define Gunjan. He truly believes that good enough is not really enough.

His experience spans over 20 meticulous years in the lead generation world thereby gaining deep understanding of the job. Having covered roles in all possible capacities in his journey, he’s come a long way from starting as a caller to eventually managing the entire business today. Has campaigned for 150+ clients globally and hence is well rooted to the job. A true professional whose passion for MoT- Management of Things (#Self Coined) motivated him to the very top of the game.

Holds an MBA from Symbiosis University where he also was awarded the winner of Annual Business Competition- 2 years in a row. Calls himself a workaholic, rather leadaholic J. If not in office, you will find him either at the gym or riding a horse!